2020 Water Purifier Filter Knowledge -1
As we know that the effective part of a water purifier is its filter element. Today, we have sorted out the common water purifier filter elements and their functions on the market for your referenc...
Is the recovery rate of the reverse osmo
Reverse osmosis technology is the highest of all water production technologies currently mastered by humans, and its cleanliness is almost 100%. The reverse osmosis element is used to improve the puri...
What equipments do you need if you want
Reverse osmosis technology is an effective way to filter out pure water, and the most critical element in many RO water purifiers is the RO membrane element. RO membranes are divided into household RO...
Why 75 GPD Residential RO Membrane is th
AliExpress shows that the most sold RO membrane model is HID™ 1812-75 GPD, then Why 75 GPD Residential RO Membrane is the best-selling product on the market?
Which water purifiers can HID™ residenti
include 50gpd, 75gpd, 100gpd, 125gpd, 150gpd, etc. This is the different RO membrane model usually means the amount of pure water produced. The larger the number, the more pure water the reverse osmos...
What is the difference between the ultra
Various membrane elements are used in the water treatment industry, and the more common ones are ultrafiltration membranes and reverse osmosis membranes. Both ultrafiltration membranes and reverse osm...